Fleur le Cordeur is about unique, incredibly beautiful and sometimes weird &wonderful floral creations. We absolutely love everything about anything that grows from soil, and especially using these gifts from nature to bless people on whatever occasion may be important to them! We have no words to express how much we enjoy working with flowers – any colour, any texture and any scent -and how much we are challenged by all the lovely and unique little gifts from nature that we discover on a daily basis.

Fleur le Cordeur is about blessing people on their special occasions – especially on their wedding day! We share a complete passion for weddings and marriage, a very special bond between a man and a woman coming together to share the rest of their lives in unity. There is no better feeling than being part of this journey, to see the excitement of the day and share in the love. We are completely consumed with passion for this ancient ritual.

We are about delivering above standard, above expectations, every time. To us this business is personal, it’s our inner most creative dreams and ideas being transformed into something tangible. We take the slightest bit of detail personally and strive to deliver simply the best we can, all the time. There are no short cuts, no compromise, and not in any way will there ever be anything but a smile and a prayer accompanying your flowers.



The Team

The team is led by founder and creative extraordinaire Heike le Cordeur. The most passionate individual you will ever meet. She loves her job, her husband, her kids and her home and wears her heart on her sleeve. She is all about family first, and her mom Johanna and sister Silke play a massive part time role in ensuring that ideas stays fresh, and delivery is above standard. In addition to family, the team consists of equally driven and talented individuals from all walks of life. Heike has a heart for empowering people, training even the person with absolutely no hope to become a flower expert. We have a large team capable of delivering numerous Weddings and Events simultaneously!

“The biggest part of my job is maintaining and growing relationships. Relations between us and clients, relations between me and my family in times of pressure, relations between all the different personalities that work together at Fleur le Cordeur, and relationships between us and the other amazing fellow experts in this industry. I love every moment of every challenge.”

– Heike

